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Sally's Rescue, Inc. is a 5013c non-profit rescue organization that has one goal: to rescue dogs from high-kill shelters and make them ready for safe, loving, and permanent homes.


Through no fault of their own, beautiful, young, healthy and happy dogs are being destroyed at record numbers at shelters throughout the United States on a daily basis. This is a result of irresponsible breeding, an unwillingness by irresponsible owners to have their dog spayed or neutered, and people who simply do not have the commitment to responsibly care for a dog they have brought into their lives.


We typically rescue small, one + year old, pure-and-mixed-breed dogs that are 25 pounds and under. Every one of our rescues is boarded, fully-vetted, receives a clean bill of health, and is groomed before they are made available for adoption. We give our dogs every available treatment our vets recommend. 



“Like most people, I was not aware of the high-kill rate that is taking place in shelters. Once I became aware of this horror, I made it my life’s mission to do all I can to educate people about what is happening, and to save as many dogs as possible. It is only through public awareness, education, compassion, a true commitment to being responsible for our companion animals, and the knowledge that pet over-population must be stopped through spaying and neutering that the horrors of high-kill shelters will ever change. With all the dog lovers in the world, it is hard to believe what is happening to hundreds and hundreds of dogs on a daily basis. It is for that reason I ask that you please consider adopting your next dog through a rescue or shelter.”


Please follow us on Instagram @sallysrescue to see dogs that are available for adoption and our rescues in their new homes.

If interested in adopting please email us at:

We are happy to send you an application.

Thank you for your support!







O  pters.  Thank you!


      Sally's Rescue does not adopt out of 

       state.  Thank you for understanding.

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